ExtremeLab is an integrated website and mobile application to manage the medical analysis laboratories system, as it fulfills all the needs of medical laboratories from all their professional aspects, as it allows the users of the system the results of medical analyzes and facilitates communication and cooperation between laboratory employees and extracts all the required reports from the laboratory. Patients can follow up test reports, lab branches, and submit a home visit request.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/extreme-laboratory-management-system/29343312
please update Soundify to v1.4
“why do you steal the effort of developers?”
when I read the message from my colleague (The conceptor of EXTREMELAB) , I was in pain, very badly.
I won’t go into the details but I invite those who have already taken scripts like me here not to do so anymore.
what hurts even more is the fact that instead of testing it locally, some have created sites like this where they sell it or if we beg the designer, they can give us a discount.
I will not arrest the member who took money from me here to set up 1 script because I know he will recognize himself but
let’s change my friends! please.
Hello Admin.. i just have nulled ExtremeLab v2.1.
why do you steal the effort of developers ?